Lost Pixel Platform | Lost Pixel OSS
Lost Pixel Platform & Lost Pixel(OSS)
Lost Pixel Platform | Lost Pixel(OSS) - how to choose?
Lost Pixel Engine is the OSS part of Lost Pixel, and Lost Pixel Platform is the cloud testing offering. We use our OSS engine to power our platform. Our mission is to democratise Visual Regression Testing and allow more people to use it in a way top companies are having their VRT setups - absolutely for free.
Lost Pixel Platform is a way to supercharge your visual testing workflow & make it leaner, quicker & more pleasant to work with. Here are the main differences between our two core offerings:
Lost Pixel(OSS)
tiny team
little collaboration needs
no need for speed
surface review process
no monorepo support
no collaborative integrations(comments, notifications)
Lost Pixel Platform
mid-sized/large team
high collaboration needs
speed of execution
review & maintenance workflow trusted by top teams
monorepo support
collaborative integrations(comments, notifications)
Last updated