
Values that can be provided to mask

  • selector: string

    • Required

    • CSS selector for the element to mask

    • Allows you to select an element on the page by its CSS selector. This allows you to specify an area of the image that should be ignored when comparing for differences.

    • Examples:

      • #my-id: Selects the element with the id my-id

      • .my-class: Selects all elements with the class my-class

      • div: Selects all div elements

      • Selects all div elements with the class my-class

      • li:nth-child(2n): Selects all even li elements

      • [data-testid="hero-banner"]: Selects all elements with the attribute data-testid set to hero-banner

      • div > p: Selects all p elements that are direct children of a div element

This type Mask is used to define areas of the image that should be ignored when comparing for differences. It allow you to specify an area of the image to be ignored by providing a CSS selector that targets the specific element on the page.

Last updated